I have a couple of articles in the works. A review of another Evan Williams Whiskey. I’m also going to review and compare 2 Morakniv knifes I have. Waiting on 1 to get here. I really like the first. Going to put them both through some usage tests. Stay tuned!
Wearing of Blaze Orange
Just read this article here at Deer & Deer Hunting magazine where they’re discussing the pros and cons of blaze orange during deer hunting season. There’s a few interesting tidbits in there, especially about UV and blaze orange camo. Some of the hunters in our group have tried adding black lines on their blaze orange vests to break up their lines. I’m not sure of the success that has had.
What’s your thoughts? Have the deer spotted you in your blaze clothes or not?
Rifle Build Is Done!
I was wondering if I would ever make it to this point. But I have finally finished the Hawken Rifle or Plains Rifle, whichever. It’s not a true Hawken, but pretty dang close. I’ve put a few rounds through it, and it didn’t blow up! Need a bit more work on sight adjustments and then I’ll give a range report. I never thought it would take me this long. I think it turned out awesomely!
It has some neat little touches that we did to make it unique. The front site is an old Mexican silver coin. We poured a pewter for-end cap. Had to add some metal around the lock as it didn’t line up. The walnut wood grain is beautiful and took the stain and finish well.
I’m really looking forward to taking it hunting this year.
Here’s about midway through it
Below are some pictures.

Savage 99 Takedown
If you’ve been around on this site before, you know I love me some lever guns and especially the 30-30 round. Well, I have a new love. I just picked up a Savage model 99 Takedown in 30-30. I wasn’t even aware it was made in that caliber. Here’s a few pics to wet your appetite. I plan on a longer write up and range report soon.
Range Time
Spent some time at the range this last weekend testing some new reloads for the rifles. Pretty much settled on the bullet and powder for the 30-30. Still working on the bullet for the 45-70 and not real sure about the powder yet either.
On the 30-30, I’ve settled on 3031 for the powder. I didn’t see too much difference with H4895 that I compared it to. The Speer Hot-Cor bullet I used performed tremendously. Now I have to just find more of them! They’ve been out for months. I just want to tweak the charge a bit first and see if I can squeek a bit more performance out of it.
On the 45-70, I’m down to H4895 or black powder, just depends on the round I settle on. More range time needed there (and who can complain about that?). I recently put an Wild West Trigger Kit on it and man, what a difference that made. The rifle had a strong trigger before, now it’s down to about 3-3 1/2 pound pull. Beautiful. Best $90 bucks I’ve spent on that Marlin. I must admit that I was a bit disappointed in the rifle, but that new trigger has made all the difference in it. I can’t recommend it enough.
I also played around with my wife’s crossbow, trying to learn how they work. I know next to nothing about archery. I’m fairly certain that the string needs replaced. I just don’t think it’s getting the performance it should be getting, so I’m guessing the string and cables are probably shot. That’s my guess. I’ll have to take it down to the local archery shop and see what they say.
So that’s the report, great couple of hours at the range. One of the best ways to spend a Sunday afternoon in my opinion.
Chisholm Trail Antique Gun Association Annual Gun Show
Don’t miss the CTAGA gun show this weekend at the Kansas Pavilions (aka, Kansas Coliseum). Saturday 9-5, Sunday 9-4. This is the largest gun show in South Central Kansas. Lots of tables and booth.
Rifle Build Update 2
The 50 caliber plains rifle build continues, not nearly as fast as I had hoped. We’ve been working on the stock recently and it’s really starting to take shape. There is some really nice looking grain in the stock. Good looking for a kit gun in my opinion. My goal is to have it ready for the Chisholm Trail Spring Rendezvous. It will be sweet to compete with a rifle I’ve built.
Anyway, that’s it for now. Keep your powder dry.