If you’ve been around on this site before, you know I love me some lever guns and especially the 30-30 round. Well, I have a new love. I just picked up a Savage model 99 Takedown in 30-30. I wasn’t even aware it was made in that caliber. Here’s a few pics to wet your appetite. I plan on a longer write up and range report soon.
Kansas 2013 Muzzleloading Season Starts Monday
I’ve been looking forward to this all summer. I’m heading out Tuesday night to spend 5 days with my buddy Keith hunting deer with our smokepoles. Can’t wait.
Anyone else going out?
Range Time
Spent some time at the range this last weekend testing some new reloads for the rifles. Pretty much settled on the bullet and powder for the 30-30. Still working on the bullet for the 45-70 and not real sure about the powder yet either.
On the 30-30, I’ve settled on 3031 for the powder. I didn’t see too much difference with H4895 that I compared it to. The Speer Hot-Cor bullet I used performed tremendously. Now I have to just find more of them! They’ve been out for months. I just want to tweak the charge a bit first and see if I can squeek a bit more performance out of it.
On the 45-70, I’m down to H4895 or black powder, just depends on the round I settle on. More range time needed there (and who can complain about that?). I recently put an Wild West Trigger Kit on it and man, what a difference that made. The rifle had a strong trigger before, now it’s down to about 3-3 1/2 pound pull. Beautiful. Best $90 bucks I’ve spent on that Marlin. I must admit that I was a bit disappointed in the rifle, but that new trigger has made all the difference in it. I can’t recommend it enough.
I also played around with my wife’s crossbow, trying to learn how they work. I know next to nothing about archery. I’m fairly certain that the string needs replaced. I just don’t think it’s getting the performance it should be getting, so I’m guessing the string and cables are probably shot. That’s my guess. I’ll have to take it down to the local archery shop and see what they say.
So that’s the report, great couple of hours at the range. One of the best ways to spend a Sunday afternoon in my opinion.
Great contest going on at Round Rock Outdoors
Check out the contest here: http://roundrockoutdoors.com/2013/07/26/the-big-giveaway
Pretty great looking outdoors kit
2013 Summer Biathlon
A couple buddies and I ran the Summer Biathlon this year. This is my 3rd time, but the first for both of them. Let me tell you, if you’re a runner and/or a shooter, this is a lot of fun. Best way to combine 2 of my favorite past times.
If you’ve never heard of this event, basically it’s the same as the Winter Biathlon, only you run rather then ski. It’s a 5k and you shoot between each mile. Believe me, it really tests your skills.
My buddies are Ed and Keith, both first timer to a Biathlon. And this year it was pouring! Still was a great time even though we were all soaked to the bones. Here’s some photos of the event.

Late Rut for 2013
So, according to Wired To Hunt, the rut should be late this year due to the “rutting moon” predicted to happen on November 17th, way later then most years. Now, for me, I like a late rut because that means the deer are still a little crazy during rifle season here in Kansas. Keeps them moving around later in the season.
So what do you guys think? Do you like a late rut?
New Kansas Hunting Regulations
I’ve been waiting to see how the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission was going to vote on a few new regulations. It’s now legal to use a crossbow during deer archery season. They also dropped the rifle cartridge limit, so all those new AR owners can now use them to hunt during rifle season.
I’m waiting for the actual regs to be posted on the KS Wildlife and Parks web site, but if this article on Kansas.com is factual, the new regs say any centerfire cartridge is now legal. Here’s the quote:
Any centerfire rifle or handgun cartridge can now be used for big game hunting during the appropriate firearm season.
I’m not totally sure what I think of that. While I don’t have a problem with a .223, I’m not sure a 9mm pistol cartridge should be legal. I know that it’s all about placement, but really? I’ll guess we see. Overall, I think most of the new regs are a good deal. The good wife is excited about taking her crossbow out.
What do you guys think about the new regulations?